Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of Skullkeep
Dungeon Master 2: The Legend of Skullkeep is continuation of the legendary RPG Dungeon Master. Everything that was lacking in the first part appeared here, and at the same time its special atmosphere was preserved. A mini map with filters was added, light and capacious containers for all sorts of differences, a quiver for arrows, shops, a convenient system of teleporters appeared. There is no longer a need to engage in long and boring workouts, since there are plenty of monsters to do this.
The battle has become more difficult: now the monsters, in accordance with their increased AI, constantly move, strive to go to the side or back, because of what they have to maneuver. Although everything is done so thoughtfully that you have enough time to make a spell, and drink a potion of treatment, and change weapons if necessary. In different locations, its own features of the battle, which are comprehended by trial and error (save more often). As a rule, you need to find a good fighting position, covered from different sides. Against creatures with higher intelligence than amphibians and reptiles who own magic, the vile-thief tactics of “hit the fireball from around the corner and run away” are effective, and they themselves love to use it.
The game action takes place not only in the corridors and dungeons of the tower, but also in the open air with forests, a cemetery, swamps, fountains, teleporters and atmospheric phenomena. In most land-based locations, if you wish, you can simply pass by the enemies without disturbing them and without engaging in battle. Although I do not recommend this, because later, having come to the tower, one can regret about his short-sightedness. Go to the tower no earlier than pumping at least to the Artisan level, and dress your characters in mithril armor.
In DM2 there is no tangled labyrinths, in all locations it is easy to navigate using a mini-map. What makes the game quite difficult is the abundance of very intricate riddles, without having solved that, you simply cannot go any further. Above them, sometimes it is very cool to break your head and torment the mouse. Some of them require the ability to quickly run and deftly manipulate all sorts of buttons and gears. For others, you need to call helpers that are available using magic mini-cards.
To use a mini-card, mana is required; the more filters are included, the higher the mana consumption. When the mini-map is on, all other actions, except movement, are not available. Therefore, it is reasonable to first clear the space from the monsters, and then walk along it with a mini-map in search of illusory walls and hidden buttons.
As in the first part, you can dial up to four characters to the game, although it is more practical to play with two, developing them in four directions at once: fighter, ninja, priest and magician. In real time, you just don't manage to manage four.
The systems of magic and battle moved from the first DM unchanged, only new spells were added. For weapons, you need to choose the type of strike, and for the spell - to make a set of runes.
One last tip: do not leave any stone unturned. Both literally and figuratively. Under a huge boulder, it may well be something valuable. The torch, for some reason lying next to the stand, and not inserted into it, can also bring surprises.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07