Goodgame Empire
Goodgame Empire is an online browser strategy in which you try on the role of a politician and military leader. It is not so easy to be the lord of a medieval castle! Land management opens up many nuances: you need to stock up resources, and equip a castle, and form a good army to defend against malicious neighbors! Only a competent strategist can cope with the tasks set.
As a representative of the strategy genre, the essence of gameplay is in the development of a settlement from a village to a prosperous empire. The bulk of the time, respectively, will be occupied by the construction of buildings, the extraction of resources and the establishment of trade and diplomatic relations. Despite the economic bias, one will have to participate in the war sooner or later. In battles with real players and the ability to hone tactics in extreme conditions, all the charm of a multiplayer game is hidden. You need to carefully approach the issue of defense of your settlement and the formation of the army. To do this, the game presents attacking and defensive units, as well as all sorts of devices, for example, boilers with boiling resin, ram, siege tower and others.
From a technical point of view, the project is also pleasing: flexible animation settings, a bright and positive picture, excellent developer support.
Game Features:
- Great music
- Interesting quest quest system
- Nice and high-quality cartoon graphics
- Immunity for beginners, allowing you to develop quietly, without fear of attacks by rivals
- Detailed and clear training system
- A large number of "social" chips
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07