
Emulators (You can try another emulator if current one doesn't work with game):


"Heretic" is a dark fantasy first-person shooter video game developed by Raven Software and published by id Software in December 1994. Utilizing a modified version of the Doom engine, Heretic was one of the first games to feature a looking up and down (vertical aim) function, which at the time was a significant enhancement over many other games in the genre.

Gameplay Mechanics:

  • Innovative View Control: The ability to look up and down allowed players to engage in more complex battles and explore environments with a new perspective.
  • Flight: Corvus has the ability to fly, introducing a verticality to gameplay that wasn't common in first-person shooters at the time.
  • Inventory System: The game included an inventory system where players could store items to use strategically, rather than instantly upon pickup.

Atmosphere and Enemies:

  • Dark Fantasy Setting: "Heretic's" atmosphere is heavily influenced by gothic and dark fantasy elements, differentiating it from the sci-fi horror of "Doom".
  • Mythical Enemies: The enemies are inspired by mythical and demonic creatures, such as the Mautaurus, which adds to the mystical and ominous vibe of the game.

Significance and Legacy:

  • Technological Advances: "Heretic" pushed the boundaries of the genre with its technical advancements, which would influence future games.
  • Modding and Sequels: The game was followed by a sequel, "Hexen: Beyond Heretic", and its engine allowed for modding, which extended its lifespan and influenced the modding culture in gaming.

Playing "Heretic" online today can be a trip down memory lane for those who experienced it during its original release and a curious exploration of gaming history for newcomers. Its innovations in gameplay mechanics, atmospheric design, and technological advancements make it an interesting study in the evolution of the first-person shooter genre.

  1. avatar


    - 02-03-2021 14:29:07
    Wow Heretic! That's incredible game, i will play it later...