Jagged Alliance
Here you can play dos game Jagged Alliance online in browser.
The events of this tactical turn-based strategy are about the adventures of a detachment of mercenaries hired to free a small tropical island of Metavir. This island is the only place where a particular plant grows, widely used in the pharmaceutical field. Jack was a researcher who first discovered the healing properties of this plant. He established contacts with the local population and built factories for the processing of raw materials. But Lucas, his chief assistant, was not satisfied with his share of the profits. He scored a small army, and took control of the island. In response, Jack hires you, and now the fate of all the inhabitants of Metavira falls on your shoulders.
Money from the air is not taken. They are taken from the processing of medicinal plants. The map of the island is divided into squares, and in each of them there is a certain number of these plants. The more of them - the higher the daily earnings. Your goal is to hire a detachment of mercenaries to free the island, sector by sector.
The enemy also does not stand still, and sometimes it takes attempts to retake sectors. Your squad simply does not have time everywhere, so to protect the workers and strategically important sectors (for example, factories without which you cannot process enough raw materials) you will have to hire guards from the local population.
Missions can only be done during the day. If you do not have time to complete the day in your sector, then all the fighters who turned out to be in enemy territory at night are considered dead. Movement in the sector occurs in real time until one of the members of your squad sees the enemy. At this point, the game goes into turn-based mode. As in the X-com series games, every mercenary has a certain amount of action points (action points or AP) for every turn he spends shooting, moving, or any other action. The number of these points depends on the physical condition of the mercenary (injuries or fatigue significantly reduce the number of AP) and on his physical fitness.
As in any good tactical strategy, mercenaries in the course of hostilities develop the skills that are used most often. By the end of the game, Ivan, hired by me on the very first day of the fighting for mere pennies, learned to shoot as well as Mike, the best of all the mercenaries you can afford. True, along with the development of abilities, the salary of the mercenary also grows.
Every mercenary is an individual. Each of them, in addition to various physical abilities and skills, has its own face, manner of speaking and character. Mercenaries often comment on your actions, express support or dissatisfaction, and even quarrel among themselves.
The result - one of the best games in its genre, combining all the best from tactical strategy and role-playing game.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07