Rhythm Capture
Welcome to "Rhythm Capture," an entrancing musical-rhythm game that challenges you to synchronize your keystrokes with the melodies. Harness your precision to strike the right keynotes and immerse yourself in perfect harmony with the music. If you're a fan of this genre, don't miss out on exploring "Friday Night Funkin'" and "Chainsaw Dance" as well.
Original Launch: May 2021
Developed by: The creative minds at SoundHolicK are behind this captivating experience.
Platform: Accessible via web browsers
Last Update: May 15, 2023
- Play Key: S / D / F / J / K / L
- Adjust Speed: Q / W
- Key Sound: U / I
- Select/Choice: Enter
- Back/Stop: Backspace
- Navigate List: ↑ / ↓ / ← / →
- Change Note Style: S
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07